Timeline Of Denmark

Timeline of Denmark

Timeline of Denmark
Important people, dates and events in Denmark
Harald Bluetooth (King Harold I) converts the Danes to Christianity
Vikings found the city of Oslo
Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden
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   The Vikings were prolific seafaring warriors from Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The early Danish timeline reflects the history of the Vikings 
  793Vikings first raid in England. The monastery of St. Cuthbert at Lindisfarne is sacked 
  844Vikings raid Seville in Spain 
  845Vikings, led by Ragnor, travel up the River Seine in France 
  845The French King pays a ransom to prevent the sacking of Paris 
  860Vikings attack Constantinople 
  862Vikings found Novgorod in Russia 
  874Vikings settle Iceland 
  900Vikings raid the Mediterranean coasts 
  911Vikings under Rollo are settled in Normandy 
  981Erik the Red discovers Greenland 
  986Vikings land in Canada 
  965Harald Bluetooth (King Harold I) converts the Danes to Christianity 
  1000Greenland and Iceland are converted to Christianity by the Vikings 
  1001Leif Eriksson reaches the American coast 
  1016The Danish king Canute (Knut) II defeats the Wessex King Edmund and becomes King of Denmark and England 
  1028Danish Canute conquers Norway 
  1035King Canute dies and the heir to Denmark and England is Hardacnut 
  1042Hardacnut dies suddenly and Edward the Confessor regains the throne of England 
  1050Vikings found the city of Oslo in Norway which is established as a major trade center. 
  1350The Black plague, "Svartedauen" sweeps Denmark and Scandinavia killing one third of the inhabitants 
  1397Union of Kalmar unites Denmark, Sweden and Norway under a single monarch. Denmark is the dominant power 
  1660Denmark becomes a hereditary monarchy under Frederik III  
  1729Greenland becomes a Danish province 
  1814Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden 
  19141914-1918:  World War I - Denmark is neutral 
  1939Denmark signs 10-year non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany 
  1940Germany invades Denmark 
  1945August 1945: The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 
  1945Germany surrenders and Danish occupation ends. 
Timeline of Denmark

Timeline of Denmark
The History Timeline of Places, including the Timeline of Denmark, provides fast facts and information about this famous place with its history and the most important events of the country detailed together with related historical events which arranged in chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of events in the Timeline of Denmark. The Timeline of Denmark provides fast information via this time line which highlights the key dates and events of the famous place in a fast information format with concise and accurate facts and information in the order of their occurrence. The Timeline of Denmark includes a chronology of this important place and its history. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details via the Timeline of Denmark. This History timeline of a famous place is suitable for children and kids and include many important events of significant occurrence and outcome which are detailed in the Timeline of Denmark.

Timeline of Denmark

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Timeline of Denmark

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Timeline of DenmarkTimeline of Denmark