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| | | The first people of Canada were the Native Americans and the Inuit | |
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| | 1000 | The Vikings travelled and settled in Canada | |
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| | 1496 | March 5: King Henry VII of England granted John Cabot the right to 'seek islands and countries of the heathen towards the west, east, and north' sailing under the English flag | |
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| | 1497 | May 2: John Cabot embarked on his ship, the Matthew, to explore the lands across the Atlantic, hoping to find a north west passage to the Indies and China. John Cabot and his son Sebastian were the first Europeans to discover Canada, landing on the coast of Newfoundland | |
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| | 1534 | Jacques Cartier discovers the Great Lakes and the the St. Lawrence River | |
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| | 1603 | March 15: Samuel de Champlain set sail for Quebec from Honfleur, France following in the path of Jacques Cartier to the St Lawrence River and Tadoussac | |
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| | 1605 | Samuel de Champlain establishes the first successful New France Colony at Port Royal | |
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| | 1670 | The Hudson's Bay Company established | |
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| | 1672 | New France expansion into Canada under Louis de Frontenac | |
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| | 1758 | French power in Canada declines as the British capture Ft. Louisburg | |
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| | 1759 | Battle on the Plains of Abraham | |
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| | 1763 | Treaty of Paris: French colonies in North America were passed to the British Crown | |
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| | 1778 | Captain James Cooke explores the West Coast | |
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| | 1791 | Constitutional Act establishes Upper & Lower Canada | |
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| | 1812 | War of 1812: American invasion of Upper Canada in the summer of 1812 centring around the Great Lakes and the Canadian frontier | |
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| | 1821 | North West Company established | |
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| | 1837 | Upper & Lower Canada Rebellions | |
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| | 1840 | Act of Union | |
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| | 1866 | The Fenian Raid and Battle of Ridgeway | |
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| | 1867 | Dominion of Canada was formed and self-government was granted to Ontario (formerly Upper Canada), Quebec (formerly Lower Canada), New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia | |
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| | 1873 | North-West Mounted Police ( Mounties) established | |
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| | 1885 | Canadian Pacific Railway Completed | |
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| | 1885 | North-West Rebellion (or North-West Resistance or the Saskatchewan Rebellion | |
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| | 1898 | Klondike Gold Rush | |
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| | 1899 | Boer War | |
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| | 1914 | 1914 - 1918 World War I | |
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| | 1939 | Great Depression | |
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| | 1939 | September: World War 2 starts | |
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| | 1945 | August: The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ending WW2 | |
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| | 1960 | Quiet Revolution: Rise of Quebec Separation Sentiment | |
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| | 1970 | War Measures Act Proclaimed on Quebec | |
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| | 1982 | Canadian constitution was adopted | |
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