Timeline History Of Austria

Timeline History of Austria

Timeline History of Austria
Important Austrian people, dates and events
Charlemagne the King of the Franks and the Magyars
The Ottoman Empire invade Austria
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated - WW1
Adolf Hitler seizes Austrian lands
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  700'sAustria comes under the rule of Charlemagne the King of the Franks 
  900'sThe Magyars from Hungary overrun Austria 
  955Otto I of Germany defeats the Magyars and Austria comes under German rule 
  962Otto I of Germany crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 
  976Otto II gives North-eastern Austria to the Babenberg family 
  1242The last Babenberg duke died without a male heir 
  1242King Ottokar of Bohemia gains control of the Austrian territory 
  1278Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf I of the Hapsburg family defeats King Ottokar 
  1500'sThe Ottoman Empire invade Austria 
  1600'sThe Ottomans are defeated and driven out of the Austrian region 
  1618The Protestants in Bohemia revolt against the Catholic Habsburg emperor starting the Thirty Years War 
  1648The Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War and the Habsburgs declared Roman Catholicism as the official Austrian religion 
  1700The Habsburg King of Spain dies 
  17011701-1714 The War of Spanish Succession started between Austria and France
Austria wins Belgium and Spain's lands in Italy
  1700'sLate 1700s-1815: Napoleonic Wars 
  1815Napoleon defeated 
  1859Austria declares war on Sardinia and is defeated by Italian and French forces 
  1867The Dual-Monarchy of Austria-Hungary was established 
  1914Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinated and this event started  World War I. Austria joined Germany in fighting the Allies 
  19183 November: World War I ended 
  191812 November: The last Habsburg Emperor was overthrown and Austria became a republic 
  1938German troops under Adolf Hitler seize Austrian lands and announced its union with Germany 
  1939September: World War 2 starts 
  1945August: The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 
  1954The Allies of World War II defeat Germany and as a result of World War II Austrian territory is divided into American, British, French, and Soviet Zones 
  1954The four major powers end their occupation of Austria 
  19551 January: Austria joins the European Union 
Timeline History of Austria

Timeline History of Austria
The History Timeline of Places, including the Timeline History of Austria, provides fast facts and information about this famous place with its history and the most important events of the country detailed together with related historical events which arranged in chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of events in the Timeline History of Austria. The Timeline History of Austria provides fast information via this time line which highlights the key dates and events of the famous place in a fast information format with concise and accurate facts and information in the order of their occurrence. The Timeline History of Austria includes a chronology of this important place and its history. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details via the Timeline History of Austria. This History timeline of a famous place is suitable for children and kids and include many important events of significant occurrence and outcome which are detailed in the Timeline History of Austria.

Timeline History of Austria

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Timeline History of Austria

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Timeline History of AustriaTimeline History of Austria