Marco Polo Timeline

Marco Polo Timeline

Marco Polo Timeline ( 1254-1324)
The life of this famous explorer and his travels to China
His birth, family and education
His work for the Kublai Khan
His time in prison which led to writing of his biography detailing his travels and explorations
One of the most famous of the early explorers
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Why was Marco Polo famous?
Marco Polo was famous for his travels to Cathay (China) and Persia and his work for the Kublai Khan. The life story and autobiography was called 'The Travels of Marco Polo' or 'Il Milione'.

   Short Biography of Marco Polo
Date of Birth: Born on September 15, 1254
Place of Birth : Venice
Parents: Father - Niccolo Polo
Uncle: Maffeo
  1254September 15: Marco Polo is born in Venice 
  1260His wealthy father and uncle, Nicolo and Maffeo Polo, set sail from Constantinople to the Crimea on a trading journey 
  1262Nicolo and Maffeo Polo receive an invitation to Cathay (China) to meet Kublai, the khan of all the Mongols 
  1267Kublai Khan sets up a new Chinese capital at Daidu  present day Beijing (Peking) 
  1269Nicolo and Maffeo Polo return to Venice 
  1271Marco Polo accompanies his father and uncle on a journey through the Holy Land, Persia and Tartary and  to the Empire of China 
  1274The travellers reach Cathay after a three year journey. Marco Polo arrives in the capital and his father and uncle renew their friendly acquaintance with the Kublai Khan and present him with papal letters. They were given important positions at his court. Marco Polo studied the Chinese language which he learnt to speak 
  1275Marco Polo is appointed as an envoy for the Kublai Khan and travels through China on his missions 
  1280'sMarco Polo travels through Asia working for the Kublai Khan and is eventually appointed as a governor of one of his cities 
  1292A marriage is arranged for the daughter of Kublai Khan, the Princess Cocachin, and the Polo's accompany the wedding party, consisting of a fleet of fourteen ships, to Persia.

Stops were made at Borneo, Sumatra, Ceylon and other places until the ships reach Persia
  1293The Polo's stay in Persia to celebrate the wedding and then head towards the Black Sea to make their way back to Venice 
  1294The Death of Kublai Khan 
  1295Marco Polo arrives in Venice with the finest collection of jewels ever seen

Venice is at war with Genoa
  1298Marco Polo was made a "gentlemen commander" of a Venetian galley

His ship joins in the battle of Kurzola and he is taken as a prisoner of war by the Genoese.

Whilst he is in prison he meets a writer called Rustichello of Pisa and dictated to him an account of his travels and experiences in China, Japan, and other Eastern countries
  1299Marco Polo is released as a prisoner of war in Genoa: at about this time,  
  1300Marco marries a Venetian lady called Donata and together they have three daughters called Belela, Fantina and Moreta 
  1307A copy of his book reaches France and Switzerland and Marco Polo becomes internationally famous 
  1324January: Marco Polo dies in Venice, he was almost 70 years old

Marco Polo was buried in the Church of San Lorenzo
Marco Polo Timeline

Marco Polo Timeline
History Timelines of People provide fast facts and information about famous people in history, such as those detailed in the Marco Polo Timeline, who precipitated a significant change in World history. This historical timeline is suitable for students of all ages, children and kids. The timeline of Marco Polo details each important life event with related historical events and arranged in chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of the past major and important events in their life. The History timeline of famous people provides fast information via a time line which highlights the key dates and events of the life of famous people such as Marco Polo in a fast information format, a concise and and accurate life biography. The life of this major historical figure is arranged by chronological, or date order, providing an actual sequence of past events which were significant to this famous figure in history as detailed on the Marco Polo Timeline. The lives of many historical people and figures, such as the life biography detailed in the Marco Polo timeline, occurred during times of crisis or evolution or change. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details of the life and biography and timeline of Marco Polo.

Marco Polo Timeline

  • Interesting Information via the Marco Polo Timeline - Life, History and Chronology at a glance, for children and kids
  • Chronology of Life, Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key People in the Marco Polo Timeline
  • Useful database of life history and this famous timeline containing interesting life chronology of facts & information
  • Life Chronology of key dates, facts and info
  • Fast and accurate life and biography details via Marco Polo history timeline and chronology
  • Famous people, famous places and famous events via comprehensive Marco Polo Life Timeline
  • Life History Timeline & Chronology of Marco Polo

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Timeline of Marco PoloTimeline of Marco Polo