Sir Walter Raleigh Timeline

Sir Walter Raleigh Timeline

Sir Walter Raleigh Timeline ( 1552 - 1618)
The famous Elizabethan courtier and explorer
Dates relating to his early life and family,
Establishing the Virginia colony of Roanoke Island
His imprisonment in the Tower of London and his famous writings
His execution
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Why was Sir Walter Raleigh famous?
Sir Walter Raleigh was famous for establishing the Virginia colony of Roanoke Island and introducing tobacco and the potato to Europe. As a famous courtier in the court of Queen Elizabeth I where he was reputed to have placed his cloak over a puddle in order to prevent her from muddying her shoes.

  1552Short Biography of Sir Walter Raleigh
Date of Birth: Born in 1552
Place of Birth : Hayes Barton in Devonshire, England
Parents: Father - Walter Raleigh
             Mother: Katherine Gilbert (née Champernowne)
Background Facts, Information & Ancestry : From a Protestant family. His half brother was the famous explorer Sir Humphrey Gilbert. He was also related to Sir Richard Grenville and Sir Francis Drake
  1552Date of actual birth is unknown. He was born in Hayes Barton in East Budleigh, Devonshire, England. He was initially educated by a home tutor 
  1567The young Raleigh joined a troop of a hundred horse, raised by a family member called the Compte de Montgomerie 
  1572August 24:   He witnesses the St Bartholomew's Day massacre where French Protestants were massacred by French Catholics in Paris 
  1574Attended Oriel College, Oxford 
  1575Became a member of the Middle Temple 
  1578Walter Raleigh sails with his half brother, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, to America 
  1579Has an illegitimate daughter by a local woman called Alice Goold 
  1580Raleigh helps to put down the Irish rebellion and becomes a favourite of Queen Elizabeth. and becomes extremely wealthy from lucrative wine monopolies he is granted by the Queen 
  1581He founded the secret society called "The School of Night" which was closely related to the mysterious Rosicrucian movement 
  1584March 25: Walter Raleigh receives the patent to explore and settle in North America

June: Walter Raleigh's fleet of seven vessels under Richard Grenville and Ralph Lane, with 108 men, reach Roanoke Island

June 4: Virginia colony of Roanoke Island established by Walter Raleigh
  1585January 6: Queen Elizabeth knights Walter Raleigh and makes him governor of the new territory discovered by Amadas and Barlowe. Raleigh names it "Virginia" in her honor 
  1586Sir Francis Walsingham and Sir Walter Raleigh discover plot to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and replace her with Mary Queen of Scots (called the Babington Plot) 
  1587July 22: Sir Walter Raleigh backs the first English Colony in North America (North Carolina) led by John White to the English Roanoke Colony

August 18: Virginia Dare born in Roanoke colony , the first English child born in North America

Became captain of the Queen's guard.
  1588Raleigh donated "Ark Royal" to the English navy to lead the English fleet against the Spanish Armada

Sir Walter Raleigh was responsible for the joint defence of Devon and Cornwall against the expected Spanish invasion
  1589:Sir Walter Raleigh & Sir Richard Grenville guard the sea approaches to Ireland 
  1592Married Elizabeth (Bessie) Throckmorton incurring the wrath of Queen Elizabeth when she discovers that he has married one her ladies in waiting. Queen Elizabeth sends Sir Walter Raleigh to the Tower of London

He Is released when one of his ships brings back a huge treasure on the captured Spanish ship called the "Madre De Dios"
  1593Walter and Bessie have a son, also called Walter 
  15956 February: Sir Walter Raleigh leaves England to sail to the New World looking for the city of El Dorado

Sir Walter Raleigh fails to find the City of Gold but explores the Orinoco
  1600Appointment as governor of Jersey (one of the Channel Islands) 
  160324 March: Queen Elizabeth I dies and is succeeded by King James, the son of Mary Queen of Scots

King James, eager to make peace with the Spanish, imprisons him in the Tower of London on charges of treason
  1604Walter and Bessie have another son called Carew 
  1612King James releases Raleigh, who promises to give King James a fortune if he allows him to return to Guiana 
  1616He travels to Guiana but his mission fails and he attacks a Spanish settlement 
  1618Sir Walter Raleigh is beheaded for attacking the Spanish 
Sir Walter Raleigh Timeline

Sir Walter Raleigh Timeline
History Timelines of People provide fast facts and information about famous people in history, such as those detailed in the Sir Walter Raleigh Timeline, who precipitated a significant change in World history. This historical timeline is suitable for students of all ages, children and kids. The timeline of Sir Walter Raleigh details each important life event with related historical events and arranged in chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of the past major and important events in their life. The History timeline of famous people provides fast information via a time line which highlights the key dates and events of the life of famous people such as Sir Walter Raleigh in a fast information format, a concise and and accurate life biography. The life of this major historical figure is arranged by chronological, or date order, providing an actual sequence of past events which were significant to this famous figure in history as detailed on the Sir Walter Raleigh Timeline. The lives of many historical people and figures, such as the life biography detailed in the Sir Walter Raleigh timeline, occurred during times of crisis or evolution or change. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details of the life and biography and timeline of Sir Walter Raleigh.

Sir Walter Raleigh Timeline

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Timeline of Sir Walter RaleighTimeline of Sir Walter Raleigh