Civil War Timeline ***

Civil War Timeline

American Civil War Timeline
The American Civil War, also called the War between the States
Attack on Fort Sumter and the major battles in the conflict
General Robert E. Lee , the Confederate Army
General Ulysses S. Grant and Lincoln

The American Civil War, also called the War between the States, was waged from April 1861 until April 1865. The four year war was between the federal government of the United States and 11 Southern states that asserted their right to secede (withdraw) from the Union. Abraham Lincoln was the central figure of the American Civil War. For comprehensive facts and information about major events  refer to the American Civil War.

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The American Civil War Timeline

  1861JanuaryThe South Secedes
January 9 - Mississippi seceded from the Union.
January 10 - Florida seceded from the Union.
January 11 Alabama seceded from the Union
January 19 Georgia seceded from the Union.
January 26 Louisiana seceded from the Union.
January 29 Kansas admitted to the Union.
  1861FebruaryFebruary 1 Texas seceded from the Union
The South Creates a Government - the Confederate Constitution
Jefferson Davis was named provisional president
President Buchanan refuses to surrender southern federal forts so they are seized by Southern troops
  1861MarchMarch 4 Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln as 16th President
March 11 Confederate Constitution
  1861AprilApril 12 Attack on Fort Sumter - Confederates under Gen. Pierre Beauregard open fire marking the start of the Civil War
April 15 President Lincoln issues a Proclamation calling for 75,000 militiamen
April 17 Virginia seceded from the Union
April 20 Robert E. Lee declines command of the Union Army
  1861MayArkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina seceded from the Union
11 Southern slave states that declared their secession and formed the Confederate States of America
  1861JuneJune 20 - West Virginia is born 
  1861JulyJuly 2 Union victory Hoke's Run
July 5, 1861 Confederate victory Carthage
July 11, 1861 Union victory Rich Mountain
July 18, 1861 Confederate victory Bull Run / Blackburn's Ford
July 21, 1861 Confederate victory First Manassas / First Bull Run
The coast of the Confederacy is subject to a blockade
July 22 U.S. Congress pass resolution declaring that the war is being fought to "preserve the Union," not to destroy slavery
  1861AugustAugust 10 Confederate victory Wilson's Creek / Oak Hills 
  1861SeptemberConfederate troops enter Kentucky, ending the state's neutrality
September 2 Confederate victory Dry Wood Creek / Battle at of the Mules
September 10 Union victory Carnifex Ferry
September 12-15 Union victory Cheat Mountain Summit
September 13-20 Confederate victory Lexington / Battle at of the Hemp Bales
September 17 Confederate victory Liberty / Blue Mills Landing
September 19 Confederate victory Barbourville
  1861OctoberOctober 3 Inconclusive battle Greenbrier River / Camp Bartow
October 9 Union victory Santa Rosa Island
October 21 Union victory Camp Wildcat
October 21 Union victory Fredericktown
October 21 Confederate victory Ball's Bluff
October 25 Union victory 1861 Springfield / Zagonyi's Charge
  1861NovemberNovember 7 Jefferson Davis elected regular president of the Confederacy
November 7 Union victory Belmont
November 7 Union victory warships fire on Fort Walker and Fort Beauregard.
November 8-9 Union victory Ivy Mountain
November 8 England threatens war if two Confederate officials sailing toward England are not released. Lincoln agrees.
November 19 Confederate Round Mountain
  1861DecemberDecember 9 Confederate victory Chusto-Talasah / Caving Banks
December 13 Inconclusive Battle at Camp Allegheny
December 17 Inconclusive Battle at Rowlett's Station
December 20 Union victory Dranesville
December 26 Confederate victory Chustenahlah
December 28 Union victory Mount Zion Church
December 28 Missouri admitted to Confederacy despite not having seceded.
  1862JanuaryJanuary 3 Inconclusive Battle at Cockpit Point
January 5-6 Inconclusive Battle at Hancock / Romney Campaign
January 8 Union victory Roan's Tan Yard / Silver Creek
January 10 Union victory Middle Creek
January 19 Union victory Mill Springs
January 31 President Lincoln issues war order authorizing the Union to launch a unified aggressive action against the Confederacy
  1862FebruaryFebruary 6 Union victory Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Fort Henry
February 11-16 Union victory Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Fort Donelson
February 7-8 Union victory Roanoke Island / Fort Huger
February 20-21 Confederate victory Valverde, New Mexico
February 20 Willie, the eleven-year-old son of Abraham Lincoln, dies from fever
February 22 Jefferson Davis inaugurated as regular president of the Confederacy
February 25: Nashville is first Confederate state capital to fall to Union troops
  1862MarchPresident Lincoln relieves McClellan, on a temporary basis, as general-in-chief and takes direct command of the Union Armies
The Peninsular Campaign begins
March 6-8 Union victory Pea Ridge
March 8-9 Monitor vs. Virginia (Merrimack), Inconclusive Battle at of the Ironclads
March 14 Union victory New Berne
March 23 Union victory Kernstown
March 23-April 26 Union victory Fort Macon
March 26-28 Union victory Glorieta Pass
  1862AprilApril 5-May 4 Inconclusive Battle at Yorktown
April 6-7 Union victory Shiloh - Massive casualties on both sides
April 8 Union victory New Madrid
April 10-11 Union victory Fort Pulaski
April 16-28 Union victory Fort Jackson
April 19 Inconclusive Battle at South Mills
April 25–May 1 Union victory New Orleans (the South's greatest seaport)
April 29-June 10 Union victory Corinth
General McClellan's troops left northern Virginia to begin the Peninsular Campaign
  1862MayMay 20 Homestead Act becomes law.
May 5 Inconclusive Battle at Williamsburg
May 7 Inconclusive Battle at Eltham's Landing Barhamsville
May 8 Confederate Victory at McDowell
May 15 Confederate Victory at Drewry's Bluff
May 15-17 Confederate Victory at Princeton Courthouse
May 23 Confederate Victory at Front Royal
May 25 Confederate Victory at Winchester
May 27 Union Victory at Hanover Court House
May 31-June 1 Inconclusive Battle at Seven Pines - Joseph E. Johnston is badly wounded
  1862JuneJune 1 Gen. Robert E. Lee assumes command, replacing the wounded Johnston
June 5 Union Victory at Tranter's Creek
June 6 Union Victory at Memphis
June 7-8 Union Victory at Chattanooga
June 8 Confederate victory Cross Keys
June 9 Confederate victory Port Republic
June 16 Confederate victory Secessionville
June 17 Union victory Saint Charles
June 21 Union victory Simmon's Bluff
June 25 Inconclusive Battle at Oak Grove French's Field
June 26 Union Victory at Beaver Dam Creek
June 27 Confederate Victory at Gaines' Mill / First Cold Harbor
June 27-28 Inconclusive Battle at Garnett's Farm
June 29 Inconclusive Battle at Savage's Station
June 30 Inconclusive Battle at White Oak Swamp
June 30 Inconclusive Battle at Glendale
June 30-July 1 Confederate Victory at Tampa
  1862JulyJuly: Congress passes the Militia Act authorizing Lincoln to use black soldiers but they  are paid only half of what the white soldiers are paid
July 11: President Lincoln hands over the task of general-in-chief to Gen. Henry W. (Old Brains) Halleck.
July 1 Union Victory at Malvern Hill
July 7 Union Victory at Hill's Plantation
July 13 Confederate Victory at Murfreesboro
  1862AugustAugust 22 Abraham Lincoln issues the "Greeley Letter" in response to Horace Greeley's editorial "A Prayer of Twenty Millions."
Aug 29/30: 75,000 Federals under General John Pope are defeated by 55,000 Confederate troops under Gen. Stonewall Jackson and Gen. James Longstreet at the second battle of Bull Run in northern Virginia
August 5 Union Victory at Baton Rouge
August 6-9 Union Victory at Kirksville
August 9 Confederate Victory at Cedar Mountain
August 11 Confederate Victory at Independence
August 15-16 Confederate Victory at Lone Jack
August 20-22 Union Victory at Fort Ridgely
August 22-25 Inconclusive Battle at Rappahannock Station
August 25-27 Confederate Victory at Manassas Station Operations
August 28 Confederate Victory at Thoroughfare Gap
August 28-30 Confederate Victory at Manassas Second / Second Bull Run
August 29-30 Confederate Victory at Richmond
  1862SeptemberSeptember 4-9: Robert E Lee invades the North with 50,000 Confederate troops and heads for Harpers Ferry, fifty miles from Washington
September 22: President Lincoln issues Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves
September 1 Inconclusive Battle at Chantilly
September 14-17 Confederate Victory at Munfordville
September 12-15 Confederate Victory at Harpers Ferry
Sept 14 Union Victory at South Mountain / Crampton Gap
September 16-18 Inconclusive Battle at Antietam
September 19 Union Victory at Iuka
September 19-20 Confederate Victory at Shepherdstown
September 23 Union Victory at Wood Lake
September 24-25 Union Victory at Sabine Pass
September 30 Confederate Victory at Newtonia
  1862OctoberOctober 1-3 Union Victory at St. John's Bluff
October 3-4 Union Victory at Corinth
October 4 Union Victory at Galveston
October 5 Union Victory at Hatchie's Bridge
October 8 Union Victory at Perryville
October 22 Union Victory at Old Fort Wayne
October 27 Union Victory at Georgia Landing
  1862NovemberNovember 7: President Lincoln replaces McClellan with Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside as the new Commander of the Army of the Potomac
November 7 Confederate Victory at Clark's Mill
November 28 Confederate Victory at Cane Hill
  1862DecemberDecember 7 Confederate Victory at Hartsville
December 7 Union Victory at Prairie Grove / Fayetteville
December 11-15 Confederate Victory at Fredericksburg 
December 14 Union Victory at Kinston
December 16 Inconclusive Battle at White Hall
December 17 Union Victory at Goldsborough Bridge
December 19 Confederate Victory at Jackson
December 26-29 Confederate Victory at Chickasaw Bayou
December 31 Confederate Victory at Parker's Cross Roads
Dec 31, 1862-Jan 2, 1863 Union Victory at Stones River
  1863JanuaryJanuary 1: The Emancipation Proclamation - The war to preserve the Union now becomes a revolutionary struggle for the abolition of slavery.
January 1 Confederate Victory at Galveston
January 8 Union Victory at Springfield
January 9-11 Confederate Victory at Hartville
January 9-11 Union Victory at Arkansas Post
January 29 Union Victory at Bear River / Massacre at Boa Ogoi
  1863FebruaryFebruary 3 Union Victory at Dover / Fort Donelson
February 28 Union USS Montauk destroys Confederate Privateer Rattlesnake
  1863MarchMarch 3, The Conscription Act (Enrolment Act) is passed
March 3 Confederate Victory at Fort McAllister I
March 5 Confederate Victory at Thompson's Station
March 13-15 Union Victory at Fort Anderson
March 17 Inconclusive Battle at Kelly's Ford / Kellysville
March 20 Union Victory at Vaught's Hill / Milton
March 25 Confederate Victory at Brentwood
March 30-April 20 Inconclusive Battle at Washington
  1863AprilApril 7 Confederate Victory at Charleston Harbor / Fort Sumter
April 11-May 4 Inconclusive Battle at Suffolk
April 10 Union Victory at Franklin
April 12-13 Union Victory at Fort Bisland
April 13-15 Inconclusive Battle at Suffolk
April 14 Union Victory at Irish Bend
April 17 Union Victory at Vermillion Bayou
April 26 Union Victory at Cape Girardeau
April 29 Confederate Victory at Grand Gulf
April 29-May 1 Confederate Victory at Snyder's Bluff
April 30-May 6 Confederate Victory at Chancellorsville
  1863MayMay 10: Stonewall Jackson dies from his wounds
May 1 Union Victory at Port Gibson
May 1-2 Confederate Victory at Chalk Bluff
May 3 Union Victory at Fredericksburg II
May 3-4 Confederate Victory at Salem Church
May 12 Union Victory at Raymond
May 14 Union Victory at Jackson
May 16 Union Victory at Champion Hill
May 17 Union Victory at Big Black River Bridge
May 18-July 4 Union Victory at Vicksburg
May 21 Union Victory at Plains Store
May 21-July 9 Union Victory at Port Hudson
  1863JuneJune 3: General Robert E Lee marches North towards Pennsylvania (a journey which leads to Gettysburg)
June 28: President Lincoln replaces Hooker with George G. Meade as commander of the Army of the Potomac
June 7 Union Victory at Milliken's Bend
June 9 Inconclusive Battle at of Brandy Station
June 17 Inconclusive Battle at Aldie
June 17-19 Inconclusive Battle at Middleburg
June 13-15 Confederate Victory at Winchester Second
June 20-21 Union Victory at LaFourche Crossing
June 21 Inconclusive Battle at Upperville
June 24-26 Union Victory at Hoover's Gap
June 28 Union Victory at Donaldsonville
June 29–30 Inconclusive Battle at Goodrich's Landing
June 30 Inconclusive Battle at Hanover
  1863JulyJuly 3: Battle of Gettysburg - major Union victory but massive casualties
July 4 - Vicksburg surrenders to General Grant after a six week siege, it is the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River which splits the Confederacy troops
July 13-16 Anti-draft riots in New York City
July 4: Siege of Vicksburg
July 1-2 Union Victory at Cabin Creek
July 4 Union Victory at Helena
July 6-16 Inconclusive Battle at Williamsport
July 8 Inconclusive Battle at Boonsboro
July 9 Confederate Victory at Corydon
July 10-11 Confederate Victory at Fort Wagner
July 16 Inconclusive Battle at Grimball's Landing
July 12-13 Confederate Victory at Kock's Plantation
July 17 Union Victory at Honey Springs
July 19 Union Victory at Buffington Island
July 23 Inconclusive Battle at Manassas Gap
July 24-25 Union Victory at Big Mound
July 26 Union Victory at Salineville
July 26 Union Victory at Dead Buffalo Lake
July 28 Union Victory at Stony Lake
  1863AugustBombardment of Fort Sumter starts and continues on until December
August 10: The president meets with abolitionist Frederick Douglass regarding equality for Union 'Negro troops.'
August 21: Confederate William C. Quantrill raids Lawrence, Kansas and massacres 182 boys and men. 
Aug 17-Aug 23 Inconclusive Battle at Fort Sumter
August 21 Union Victory at Chattanooga
August 21 Confederate Victory at Lawrence
  1863SeptemberSeptember 3-5 Union Victory at Whitestone Hill
September 1 Union Victory at Devil's Backbone
September 7-8 Confederate Victory at Charleston Harbor
September 8 Confederate Victory at Sabine Pass II
September 10 Union Victory at Bayou Fourche
September 18-20 Confederate Victory at Chickamauga
September 22 Union Victory at Blountsville
September 29 Confederate Victory at Stirling's Plantation
  1863OctoberOctober 6 Confederate Victory at Baxter Springs
October 10 Union Victory at Blue Springs
October 13 Inconclusive Battle at Auburn
October 14 Union Victory at Bristoe Station
October 14 Inconclusive Battle at Auburn / Coffee Hill
October 16-18 Union Victory at Fort Brooke
October 19 Confederate Victory at Buckland Mills
October 25 Union Victory at Pine Bluff
October 28-29 Union Victory at Wauhatchie
  1863NovemberNovember 19: President Abraham Lincoln dedicates a portion of the Gettysburg battlefield as a national cemetery, and delivered the "Gettysburg Address."
November 3 Union Victory at Collierville
November 6 Union Victory at Droop Mountain
November 7 Union Victory at Rappahannock Station
November 16 Union Victory at Campbell's Station
November 23-25 Union Victory at Chattanooga
November 27 Confederate Victory at Ringgold Gap
Nov 27-Dec 2 Inconclusive Battle at Mine Run
November 29 Union Victory at Fort Sanders
  1863DecemberDecember 14 Confederate Victory at Bean's Station
December 29 Union Victory at Mossy Creek
  1864JanuaryJanuary 17 Confederate Victory at Dandridge
January 26 Union Victory at Athens
January 27 Union Victory at Fair Garden
  1864FebruaryFebruary 6-7 Inconclusive Battle at Morton's Ford
February 13 Union Victory at Middle Boggy Depot
February 14-20 Union Victory at Meridian
February 20 Confederate Victory at Olustee
February 22 Confederate Victory at Okolona
February 22-27 Confederate Victory at Dalton I
  1864MarchMarch 9 - President Lincoln appoints General Grant to command all of the armies of the United States. General William Sherman succeeds Grant as the Western commander March 2 Confederate Victory at Walkerton
March 14 Union Victory at Fort DeRussy
March 25 Confederate Victory at Paducah
  1864AprilApril 3-4 Union Victory at Elkin's Ferry Okolona
April 8 Confederate Victory at Mansfield
April 9 Union Victory at Pleasant Hill
April 9-13 Union Victory at Prairie D'Ane
April 12 Confederate Victory at Fort Pillow
April 12-13 Union Victory at Blair's Landing
April 17-20 Confederate Victory at Plymouth
April 18 Confederate Victory at Poison Spring
April 23 Union Victory at Monett's Ferry
April 25 Confederate Victory at Marks' Mills
April 30 Union Victory at Jenkins' Ferry
  1864MayMay 4 Union Victory at Day's Gap
May 5 Inconclusive Battle at Albemarle Sound
May 5-7 Inconclusive Battle at Wilderness
May 6-7 Union Victory at Port Walthall Junction
May 7-13 Union Victory at Battle at Rocky Face Ridge
May 8-21 Inconclusive Battle at Spotsylvania Court House
May 9 Union Victory at Cloyd's Mountain
May 9 Inconclusive Battle at Swift Creek
May 10 Inconclusive Battle at Chester Station
May 10 Inconclusive Battle at Cove Mountain
May 11 Union Victory at Yellow Tavern
May 12-16 Confederate Victory at Proctor's Creek
May 13-15 Inconclusive Battle at Resaca
May 15 Confederate Victory at New Market
May 16 Union Victory at Mansura
May 17 Confederate delay tactic at Adairsville
May 18 Union Victory at Yellow Bayou
May 20 Confederate Victory at Ware Bottom Church
May 23-26 Inconclusive Battle at North Anna
May 24 Union Victory at Wilson's Wharf
May 25-26 Confederate Victory at New Hope Church
May 26-June 1 Union Victory at Dallas
May 27 Confederate Victory at Pickett's Mills
May 28 Inconclusive Battle at Haw's Shop
May 28-30 Inconclusive Battle at Totopotomoy Creek
May 30 Union Victory at Old Church
May 31-June 12 Confederate Victory at Second Cold Harbor
  1864JuneJune 15: Nine month siege of Petersburg begins
June 5-6 Union Victory at Piedmont
June 6 Union Victory at Old River Lake
June 9-July 3 Union Victory at Marietta
June 9 Confederate Victory at Petersburg
June 10 Confederate Victory at Brices Cross Roads
June 11-12 Confederate Victory at Trevilian Station
June 11-12 Union Victory at Cynthiana
June 15-18 Confederate Victory at Assault on Petersburg
June 17-18 Confederate Victory at Lynchburg
June 21-24 Union Victory at Jerusalem Plank Road / First Battle at of Weldon
June 22 Union Victory at Kolb's Farm
June 24 Inconclusive Battle at Saint Mary's Church
June 25 Confederate Victory at Staunton River
June 27 Confederate Victory at Kennesaw Mountain
June 28 Confederate Victory at Sappony Church
June 29 Confederate Victory at Ream's Station
  1864JulyJuly 9 Confederate Victory at Monocacy
July 14-15 Union Victory at Tupelo
July 17-18 Confederate Victory at Cool Spring
July 20 Union Victory at Peachtree Creek
July 20 Union Victory at Rutherford's Farm
July 22 Union Victory at Atlanta
July 24 Confederate Victory at Kernstown Second
July 27-29 Confederate Victory at Deep Bottom I
July 28 Union Victory at Ezra Church
July 28-29 Union Victory at Killdeer Mountain
July 30 Confederate Victory at Crater
  1864AugustAugust 1 Inconclusive Battle at Folck's Mill
August 5-7 Inconclusive Battle at Utoy Creek
August 7 Union Victory at Moorefield
August 13-20 Confederate Victory at Deep Bottom II
August 14-15 Union Victory at Dalton II
August 16 Inconclusive Battle at Guard Hill
August 18-21 Union Victory at Globe Tavern
August 20 Confederate Victory at Lovejoy's Station
August 21 Inconclusive Battle at Summit Point
August 21 Confederate Victory at Memphis
August 25 Confederate Victory at Ream's Station
August 25-29 Inconclusive Battle at Smithfield Crossing
August 31–September 1 Union Victory at Jonesborough
  1864SeptemberSeptember 2: Atlanta is captured by Sherman's Army.
September 3-4 Inconclusive Battle at Berryville
September 10-11 Union Victory at Davis' Cross Roads
September 19 Union Victory at Opequon
September 21-22 Union Victory at Fisher's Hill
September 27 Union Victory at Fort Davidson
September 29-30 Union Victory at Chaffin's Farm
September 30 Union Victory at Peebles' Farm
  1864OctoberOctober 2 Confederate Victory at Saltville
October 5 Union Victory at Allatoona
October 7 Union Victory at Darbytown
October 9 Union Victory at Tom's Brook
October 13 Confederate Victory at Darbytown Road
October 15 Confederate Victory at Glasgow
October 19 Confederate Victory at Lexington
October 19 Union Victory at Cedar Creek
October 21 Confederate Victory at Little Blue River
October 22 Confederate Victory at Independence
October 22-23 Union Victory at Byram's Ford
October 23 Union Victory at Westport
October 25 Union Victory at Marmiton River
October 25 Union Victory at Mine Creek
October 25 Union Victory at Marais des Cygnes
October 26-29 Union Victory at Decatur Alabama
October 28 Union Victory at Newtonia
October 27-28 Confederate Victory at Fair Oaks
  1864NovemberNovember 8: Abraham Lincoln is re-elected president defeating Democrat George B. McClellan.
November 4-5 Confederate Victory at Johnsonville
November 11-13 Confederate Victory at Bull's Gap
November 24-29 Confederate Victory at Columbia
November 29 Union Victory at Spring Hill
November 30 Union Victory at Franklin
November 22 Union Victory at Griswoldville
November 28 Inconclusive Battle at Buck Head Creek
November 30 Confederate Victory at Honey Hill
November 29-30 Union Victory at Sand Creek
  1864DecemberDecember 4 Union Victory at Waynesborough
December 5-7 Union Victory at Murfreesboro
December 7-27 Confederate Victory at Fort Fisher
December 13 Union Victory at Fort McAllister II
December 15-16 Union Victory at Nashville
December 17-18 Union Victory at Marion
December 20-21 Union Victory at Saltville
  1865JanuaryJanuary 31: Congress approves the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution to abolish slavery. The amendment is then submitted to the states for ratification.
January 13-15 Union Victory at Fort Fisher
  1865FebruaryFebruary 3: Peace conference between President Lincoln and Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens fails
February 3 Union Victory at Rivers' Bridge
February 5-7 Union Victory at Hatcher's Run
February 12-22 Union Victory at Wilmington
  1865MarchMarch 2 Union Victory at Waynesboro
March 6 Confederate Victory at Natural Bridge
March 7-10 Union Victory at Wyse Fork
March 10 Inconclusive Battle at Monroe's Cross Roads
March 16 Inconclusive Battle at Averasborough
March 19-21 Union Victory at Bentonville
March 25 Union Victory at Fort Stedman
March 27-April 8 Union Victory at Spanish Fort
March 29 Union Victory at Lewis's Farm
March 31 Union gained ground White Oak Road
  1865AprilApril 1 Union Victory at Five Forks
April 2 Union Victory at Ebenezer Church
April 2 Union Victory at Hill's Plantation
April 2 Union Victory at Petersburg
April 2 Union Victory at Sutherland's Station
April 3 Inconclusive Battle at Namozine Church
April 5 Inconclusive Battle at Amelia Springs
April 6 Union Victory at Sailor's Creek
April 6 Union Victory at Rice's Station
April 6-7 Inconclusive Battle at High Bridge
April 7 Confederate Victory at Cumberland Church
April 8 Union Victory at Appomattox Station
April 8 Union Victory at Spanish Fort
April 9 Union Victory at Fort Blakely Alabama

April 9: General Robert E. Lee surrenders his Confederate Army to General Ulysses S. Grant at the village of Appomattox Court House in Virginia

April 14:
Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary go to Ford's Theater to see the play "Our American Cousin" . During the third act of the play John Wilkes Booth shoots the president in the head at approx 10:13 p.m.

April 15, 1865
President Abraham Lincoln dies at 7:22 in the morning. Vice President Andrew Johnson assumes the presidency

April 18: General Joseph E. Johnston surrenders to General Sherman near Durham in North Carolina.

April 26: John Wilkes Booth is shot and killed in a tobacco barn in Virginia.
  1865MayMay 4, 1865
Abraham Lincoln is laid to rest in Oak Ridge Cemetery, outside Springfield, Illinois.

May 12-13 Confederate Victory at Palmito Ranch. This was the last major clash of arms in the American Civil war. John J. Williams of the 34th Indiana Volunteer Infantry was the last man killed at the Battle at Palmito Ranch, and probably the last combat casualty of the war.

All remaining Confederate forces surrender
American Civil War Timeline

American Civil War Timeline
History Timelines of the United States of America provide fast facts and information about famous events in history, such as those detailed in the American Civil War Timeline, precipitated a significant change in American history. This major historical event of America is arranged in the American Civil War timeline by chronological, or date order, providing an actual sequence of this past event which was of significance to American history. This historical timeline is suitable for students of all ages, children and kids. Many American historical events, such as detailed in the American Civil War timeline, occurred during times of crisis, evolution or change in the USA. Many of the famous American events as detailed in the American Civil War timeline describe famous, critical and major incidents in the history of the United States of America. The specific period in history detailed in the American Civil War timeline led to great changes in the development of America. The American Civil War timeline provides fast information via the timeline which highlights the key dates and major historical significance in a fast information format. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details of this historical event of American significance. The chronologies of famous people, places and events in the United States of America are detailed in the American Civil War timeline.

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