President William McKinley Timeline

William McKinley Timeline

William McKinley Timeline
Short Biography of President William McKinley
Lifespan: 1843 - 1901
Born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio
William McKinley was assassinated on September 14, 1901 in Buffalo, New York
Twenty-fifth President of America - His term in office was from 1897 to 1901
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Why was William McKinley famous?
William McKinley was famous as the twenty-fifth President of the United States of America. He was assassinated by anarchist Leon Czolgosz. During his term in office America became a world power for the first time and President McKinley led the US during the Spanish-American War. The next US President was Theodore Roosevelt.

  1843William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio 
  1859Oregon admission to the US
Harper's Ferry Raid
  1860Pony Express begins 
  1861The American Civil War, also called the War between the States, was waged from April 1861 until April 1865. The 4 year war was between the federal government of the United States and 11 Southern states that asserted their right to secede (withdraw) from the Union. Abraham Lincoln was the central figure of the American Civil War. 
  1863Battle of Gettysburg 
  1864Sand Creek Massacre 
  1865Abraham Lincoln assassinated
United States Civil War ends
  1866Civil Rights Act of 1866
Ku Klux Klan founded
  1867Alaska Purchase from Russia 
  1871William McKinley was married to Ida Saxton McKinley on January 25, 1871. They had 2 Children 
  1877-91Member of U.S. House of Representatives, 1877-91 
  1892-96Governor of Ohio, 1892-96 
  1896Gold discovered in the Yukon's Klondike 
  18971897 William McKinley became the President of the United States of America 
  1898Spanish-American War (1898)
Annexation of Hawaii (1898)
  1899-1900Open Door Policy/Boxer Rebellion (1899-1900) 
  1900Gold Standard Act (1900) 
  1901William McKinley was assassinated on September 14, 1901 in Buffalo, New York. He was shot twice by an anarchist named Leon Czolgosz. 
President William McKinley Timeline

William McKinley Timeline
American History Timelines provide fast facts and information about the life famous people in American history, such as the President William McKinley Timeline, who precipitated a significant change in World and American history. The life of this major historical figure is arranged by chronological, or date order, providing an actual sequence of past events which were significant to this famous figure in American history as detailed on the William McKinley Timeline, the twenty-fifth President of the United States. The lives of many historical people and figures, such as the life biography detailed in the William McKinley timeline, occurred during times of crisis or evolution or change. The William McKinley timeline describes famous, critical and major incidents in the dated biography of the life of this US President. The William McKinley timeline provides fast information via a timeline which highlights the key dates of major historical significance in a fast information format. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details of the life and biography of President William McKinley. The American History timelines include timelines and chronologies of many important people including the William McKinley timeline, the twenty-fifth President of the United States.

William McKinley Timeline

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  • Life History Timeline & Chronology of President William McKinley

President William McKinley Timeline

President William McKinley Timeline - Timeline for children and kids - William McKinley Timeline - Chronology - Time Line - Free - Chronology - Facts - Interesting - Info - Chronology - Information - Timeline for children and kids - Details - Time Line of William McKinley - Timeline of Events - Important - Accurate - Interesting Facts - William McKinley - Printable Time line - Time Line - Record - Related Events - Chronology - Database - Key Dates - Key Dates - William McKinley Timeline - Time Line - Key Events - Key Places - Historical Importance - William McKinley - Interesting Time Lines - Chronology - Timescale - Chronology - Chronologies - Chronicle - Chronology - Chronicles - Chronological record - USA - Era - Time Lines - Account - Historic period - Past - Time Lines - Past Times - Annals - Background - USA  - America - Historical Record - Historic Life - Chronolgy - William McKinley Timeline - President William McKinley Timeline - Written By Linda Alchin
Timeline of President William McKinleyTimeline of President William McKinley