President James Knox Polk Timeline

James Knox Polk Timeline

James Polk Timeline
Short Biography of President James Knox Polk
Lifespan: 1795 - 1849
Born on November 2, 1795 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
James Polk died on June 15, 1849 in Nashville, Tennessee
Eleventh President of America - His term in office was from 1845 to 1849
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Why was James Knox Polk famous?
James Knox Polk was famous as the eleventh President of the United States of America and for his policy of expansion which added Texas, California and other territory to the U.S. The next US President was Zachary Taylor.

  1795Born on November 2, 1795 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.
Educated at the University of North Carolina
  1811Battle of Tippecanoe 
  1812The War of 1812 which has also been called the second War for Independence, between the United States and Great Britain 
  1814Treaty of Fort Jackson ends Creek War 
  1823Member of Tennessee House of Representatives, 1823-25 
  1824James Polk was married to Sarah Childress Polk in 1824   
  1825-39Member of U.S. House of Representatives, 1825-39 
  1830Indian Removal Act
Oregon Trail opens
  1832Black Hawk War
Seminole War begins
Department of Indian Affairs established
  1835Texas War for Independence begins 
  1835-39 Speaker of the House, 1835-39 
  1837Battle of the Alamo 
  18381838-1839: The Trail of Tears 
  1839-41Governor of Tennessee, 1839-41 
  1842The Second Seminole War ended (1842) 
  1845His term in office was from 1845 to 1849
He also enlarged the Monroe Doctrine.
  1846Mexican-American War begins
1846 acquisition of California
1846 Oregon Treaty
1846 the reduction of the tariff
1846 establishment of the independent treasury.
  1848Gold discovered in California
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the Mexican-American War
  1849James Polk died of cholera on June 15, 1849 in Nashville, Tennessee. He was buried in a tomb on the grounds of the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee. 
President James Knox Polk Timeline

James Knox Polk Timeline
American History Timelines provide fast facts and information about the life famous people in American history, such as the President James Knox Polk Timeline, who precipitated a significant change in World and American history. The life of this major historical figure is arranged by chronological, or date order, providing an actual sequence of past events which were significant to this famous figure in American history as detailed on the James Knox Polk Timeline, the eleventh President of the United States. The lives of many historical people and figures, such as the life biography detailed in the James Knox Polk timeline, occurred during times of crisis or evolution or change. The James Knox Polk timeline describes famous, critical and major incidents in the dated biography of the life of this US President. The James Knox Polk timeline provides fast information via a timeline which highlights the key dates of major historical significance in a fast information format. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details of the life and biography of President James Knox Polk. The American History timelines include timelines and chronologies of many important people including the James Knox Polk timeline, the eleventh President of the United States.

James Knox Polk Timeline

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President James Knox Polk Timeline

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Timeline of President James Knox PolkTimeline of President James Knox Polk