Timeline Of South Africa

Timeline of South Africa

Timeline of South Africa
Important South African people, dates and events
The Zulus. Khoi, San, and Xhosa
The Dutch East India Company
The Policy of apartheid and Nelson Mandela
Apartheid laws and international sanctions lifted
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   3000BC - 1000BC: Evidence of migration of people from Somalia and Ethiopia
The Zulus, who belong to the Nguni-speaking peoples, constitute the majority of the population. Other tribes include the Khoi, San, and Xhosa
  400 ADMigration of the Bantu peoples into South Africa 
  700South African Trade with the Arabs and Phoenicians in ivory, rhino horn, gold, shells and slaves 
  1480Portuguese navigator Bartholomeu Dias first European to travel round the southern tip of Africa 
  1497July 8 - Vasco da Gama set out on expedition to India via Africa stopping at Mombasa, Mozambique, Malindi and Kenya trading centres 
  1652Jan van Riebeeck, working for the Dutch East India Company, founds the Cape Colony at Table Bay and Dutch settlement of South Africa starts 
  18161816 - 1826 Shaka Zulu founds the Zulu empire 
  18351835 - 1840: The Boers leave Cape Colony and found the Orange Free State and the Transvaal 
  1858Boers proclaim the Transvaal a republic 
  1867Diamonds are discovered at Kimberley 
  1877The British and the Boers defeat the Zulus in the Zulu War 
  18801880-81: The Boer War - The Boers rebel against the British 
  1880sThe South African gold rush 
  1910Formation of Union of South Africa by former British colonies of the Cape and Natal, and the Boer republics of Transvaal, and Orange Free State 
  1913Land Act:  Prevented Blacks from purchasing land 
  1948Policy of apartheid adopted by the National Party (NP) 
  1950Group Areas Act: To segregate black and white people
The African National Congress (ANC) led by Nelson Mandela initiates civil disobedience
  1961South Africa declared a republic 
  1964Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment 
   1970's- 1980's - Civil unrest, sanctions imposed on South Africa, forced resettlement process and Township revolts 
  1990Nelson Mandela at last released from prison 
  1991De Klerk repeals remaining apartheid laws and international sanctions are lifted  
Timeline of South Africa

Timeline of South Africa
The History Timeline of Places, including the Timeline of South Africa, provides fast facts and information about this famous place with its history and the most important events of the country detailed together with related historical events which arranged in chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of events in the Timeline of South Africa. The Timeline of South Africa provides fast information via this time line which highlights the key dates and events of the famous place in a fast information format with concise and accurate facts and information in the order of their occurrence. The Timeline of South Africa includes a chronology of this important place and its history. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details via the Timeline of South Africa. This History timeline of a famous place is suitable for children and kids and include many important events of significant occurrence and outcome which are detailed in the Timeline of South Africa.

Timeline of South Africa

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Timeline of South Africa

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Timeline of South AfricaTimeline of South Africa