History of Scotland Timeline

History of Scotland Timeline

History of Scotland Timeline
Important Scottish people, dates and events
Hadrian's Wall is built by the Romans
Macbeth kills Duncan to become King of Scotland
William Wallace executed in London
Mary Queen of Scots flees to England
The Battle of Culloden
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  55 BC Julius Caesar lands in Britain 
  0The birth of Jesus Christ 
  33 ADCrucifixion of Jesus in the Roman province of Jerusalem and the origin of Christianity 
  80 ADThe Roman, Julius Agricola, invades "Albion" or "Caledonia" which are the ancient names for Scotland 
  84 AD Celtic tribes of Scottish Caledonia unite under Calgacus but are defeated by the Romans 
  121121 - 129 Hadrian's Wall is built by the Romans under the instruction of the Emperor Hadrian 
  397St Ninian brings Christianity to Scotland 
  476The Roman Empire collapses and the Romans leave Britain 
  800800 - 900s The Scandinavian Vikings raid Scotland 
  1005King Malcolm II rules Scotland and defeats the Vikings at the battle of Mortlach 
  10341034 - 1040 King Duncan I becomes the Scottish King 
  1040Macbeth kills Duncan to become King of Scotland 1040 - 1057 
  1272William Wallace born 
  1274Robert the Bruce was born 
  1292An English Baron called John Balliol was crowned King of Scotland at Scone 
  1297Scottish war of Independence led by the rebel William Wallace 
  1298Scots Defeated by Edward I of England ( Longshanks) at the Battle of Falkirk 
  1305William Wallace executed in London 
  1306Robert the Bruce crowned King of Scotland 
  1314Battle of Bannockburn: Robert the Bruce defeats the English and gains Scottish independence 
  1371Robert II the first Stewart King takes the Scottish throne 
  1513Battle of Flodden: James IV killed in battle 
  1559Reformation in Scotland with John Knox's sermon at Perth 
  1561Mary Queen of Scots returns to Scotland from France 
  1565Mary Queen of Scots marries Henry, Lord Darnley 
  1567Henry Darnley murdered. Mary marries Bothwell 
  1568Mary Queen of Scots flees to England and is imprisoned by Elizabeth I. Her baby son becomes James VI of Scotland 
  1587Mary Queen of Scots executed at Fotheringay Castle 
  1603The son of Mary Queen of Scots, James VI of Scotland, becomes James I of England when Queen Elizabeth I dies. This brings about the Union of the Crowns 
  1692The Massacre of Glencoe - The Campbells murder the MacDonald clan 
  1707The Act of Union is passed and Scotland is formally united with England to form Great Britain 
  1745Bonnie Prince Charlie - Prince Charles Edward Stuart - returns to Scotland to claim the British throne 
  1746Battle of Culloden where the Jacobite Scots defeated and Bonnie Prince Charlie flees to France. 
   Scottish History now combines together with British History see England History Timeline 
History of Scotland Timeline

History of Scotland Timeline
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