Canadian History Timeline

Canadian History Timeline

Canadian History Timeline
Important people, dates and events in Canada
The Native Americans and the Inuit
The European explorers - John Cabot, Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain
French colonies in North America were passed to the Britain
Canadian constitution was adopted
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   The first people of Canada were the Native Americans and the Inuit 
  1000The Vikings travelled and settled in Canada 
  1496March 5: King Henry VII of England granted John Cabot the right to 'seek islands and countries of the heathen towards the west, east, and north' sailing under the English flag 
  1497May 2: John Cabot embarked on his ship, the Matthew, to explore the lands across the Atlantic, hoping to find a north west passage to the Indies and China. John Cabot and his son Sebastian were the first Europeans to discover Canada, landing on the coast of Newfoundland 
  1534Jacques Cartier discovers the Great Lakes and the the St. Lawrence River 
  1603March 15: Samuel de Champlain set sail for Quebec from Honfleur, France following in the path of Jacques Cartier to the St Lawrence River and Tadoussac 
  1605Samuel de Champlain establishes the first successful New France Colony at Port Royal 
  1670The Hudson's Bay Company established 
  1672New France expansion into Canada under Louis de Frontenac 
  1758French power in Canada declines as the British capture Ft. Louisburg 
  1759Battle on the Plains of Abraham 
  1763Treaty of Paris: French colonies in North America were passed to the British Crown 
  1778Captain James Cooke explores the West Coast 
  1791Constitutional Act establishes Upper & Lower Canada 
  1812War of 1812: American invasion of Upper Canada in the summer of 1812 centring around the Great Lakes and the Canadian frontier 
  1821North West Company established 
  1837Upper & Lower Canada Rebellions 
  1840Act of Union 
  1866The Fenian Raid and Battle of Ridgeway 
  1867Dominion of Canada was formed and self-government was granted to Ontario (formerly Upper Canada), Quebec (formerly Lower Canada), New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia 
  1873North-West Mounted Police ( Mounties) established 
  1885Canadian Pacific Railway Completed 
  1885North-West Rebellion (or North-West Resistance or the Saskatchewan Rebellion 
  1898Klondike Gold Rush 
  1899Boer War 
  19141914 - 1918 World War I 
  1939Great Depression 
  1939September: World War 2 starts 
  1945August: The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ending WW2 
  1960Quiet Revolution: Rise of Quebec Separation Sentiment 
  1970War Measures Act Proclaimed on Quebec 
  1982Canadian constitution was adopted 
Canadian History Timeline

Canadian History Timeline
The History Timeline of Places, including the Canadian History Timeline, provides fast facts and information about this famous place with its history and the most important events of the country detailed together with related historical events which arranged in chronological, or date, order providing an actual sequence of events in the Canadian History Timeline. The Canadian History Timeline provides fast information via this time line which highlights the key dates and events of the famous place in a fast information format with concise and accurate facts and information in the order of their occurrence. The Canadian History Timeline includes a chronology of this important place and its history. Specific information can be seen at a glance with concise and accurate details via the Canadian History Timeline. This History timeline of a famous place is suitable for children and kids and include many important events of significant occurrence and outcome which are detailed in the Canadian History Timeline.

Canadian History Timeline

  • Interesting Information via the Canadian History Timeline - Time line History and Chronology at a glance, for children and kids
  • Chronology of Key Names, Key Dates, Key People and Key Events in the Canadian History Timeline
  • Useful time line database of history and this Canadian History Timeline containing interesting chronology of facts & information
  • Chronologies of key dates, facts and info
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  • Famous people, famous places and countries and famous events via comprehensive Canadian History Timeline

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Canadian History Timeline for Children & KidsCanadian History Timeline for Children & Kids